Pyrus 9 & 10

Pyrus 9 & 10

BkkAB har utfört K-projektering av exklusiva enbostadshus på Lidingö. Ytterväggar i souterrängplan utgörs av sandwishelement, bjälklagen platsgjuts och ytterväggarna ovan mark är lättkonstruktion med integrerade stålpelare.

Arkitekt: Ström Architects Ltd
This project comprises the design of two large villas on the island of Lidingö in Stockholm for the property developer Imola Förvlatning. Planning permission was granted in April 2017.

The site is accessed from the southern side, and slopes steeply towards the north. Planning policies dictate the maximum footprint and build height.

The two villas share a common design language, yet they have their own identity. The larger house is clad in black stained timber and has a dark interior, while the smaller house is clad with a SIOO treated cladding which will rapidly weather to a light silvery grey, and has a lighter interior.

A concrete retaining wall is placed along the contours, over which a two-storey volume cantilevers to the north, while to the south, it nestles into the steep slope, only presenting a single storey building to the entrance. Stepped landscaped terracing integrates the architecture into the site.

The top floor comprises entrance with cloakroom, kitchen, living and dining accommodation, as well as a guest room/study. Towards the north – and the view- the buildings open up with 3.5m tall glazed screens that slide into pockets within the walls to create a completely open corner.

The middle floors contain bedroom accommodation, while utility, playroom and other ancillary spaces are in the basement.

The three floors are connected via a staircase with a continuous roof light above, which also allows access to the roof terraces. The roof terraces were a response to the steeply sloping north-facing site, which made it difficult to create level garden spaces with good orientation that weren’t overshadowed. The roof is easier to access from the top floor living spaces, as well as allowing fantastic views across the treetops and over the beautiful archipelago.